Dear StackState community,
We are pleased to announce the release of StackState 1.9.2. This release provides multiple bug fixes for the StackState 1.9.2 version.
Before upgrading, please read the upgrade instructions.
New functionality:
* Improved Analytics
* Added PostgreSQL support in the ConnectionBeat sync to the AgentModel
Improvements and bugfixes:
* [STAC-1966] Incorrect filters after switching views
* East pane is now resizable
* Performance improvements
* Expose all Stackstate ports (7070, 7071 and 7077) to Docker container
* Improved Analytics
* Added PostgreSQL support in the ConnectionBeat sync to the AgentModel
Improvements and bugfixes:
* [STAC-1966] Incorrect filters after switching views
* East pane is now resizable
* Performance improvements
* Expose all Stackstate ports (7070, 7071 and 7077) to Docker container
You can download the release at the StackState Software Distribution site.
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